
CareBridge Academy

About CareBridge Academy


CareBridge Academy was born out of the desire to educate the minds and fuel the passion of prospective Certified Nurse Aides and Home Health Aides (HHAs). We saw the importance of providing the best training to Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) students. This is in order for them to perform their work properly, efficiently, and safely throughout Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and the Greater Delaware Valley. CareBridge Academy was inspired by the purpose of fostering top tier CNAs and HHAs. Our goal is for them to become the best providers of direct patient care in all of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.


The school is a unique and historic space, a converted loft building which was formerly a bicycle factory in the 1880s.

CNA Training PANAT

The CNA Training School Located at 448 N. 10th St in Philadelphia

CNA Training PANAT

Get classroom instruction and practice your lab skills before hands-on clinical work in a fun and conducive environment!

CNA training in Philadelphia

One of the lab settings for hands-on practice at CareBridge Academy in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania



The exterior of the building, which is centrally located for CNA training in Philadelphia with easy access via public transporation and car.


CNA Training PANAT

The CNA School for CareBridge Academy located in Spring Garden just outside of Center City downtown Philadephia.



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The mission of CareBridge Academy is to provide the highest standard of teaching and learning opportunities to our future Nursing Assistant and Home Health Aides (HHAs). This is done in a compassionate, respectful, and ethical manner as required by federal and Pennsylvania laws and regulations governing private nurse aide and home health aide programs. We provide our students with the applicable skills and knowledge they need to meet their personal or career goals in healthcare. We also strive to encourage and inspire nurse aide and home health aide training students to develop their passion to serve others. CareBridge Academy aims to inspire their enthusiasm into medical careers that provide for the healthcare needs of the aging and disabled population.





CareBridge Academy is committed to having the best Certified Nurse Aide CNA nursing assistant program in all of Pennsylvania.

We will continuously improve our program and curriculum. This also includes our teaching and learning environment. Healthcare is constantly evolving. Our quality-driven approach to education aims to ensure the best opportunities for student learning and opportunities. We strive to foster a higher caliber of future healthcare workers.





To be the premier CNA certified nursing assistant and home health aide school in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. To be successful and distinctive in what we do. Elevate healthcare services in the residential and home healthcare communities we serve.




Vision of a CNA program course class certification nursing assistant philadelphia

Students Our priority is student satisfaction. We will clearly define our CNA and HHA program and services and communicate them to our students. We work to meet and exceed their expectations at every opportunity.


Teamwork We will work together and overcome our differences. This is to strengthen nurse aide students and improve their ability to collaborate effectively as a team. We aim to build trust, cooperation, and open communication across the organization.


People We will prioritize our school’s vision and meet our goals. We will support our students. This is to improve their skills, treat them fairly, recognize their accomplishments, and fuel their learning through compassion and commitment.


Innovation We will receive change as a constant. We will promote it regularly. CareBridge Academy will develop our faculty and staff to provide the highest level of education and support to our students.


Ethics CareBridge Academy is dedicated to the highest standard of both professional and business conduct. We expect and encourage our students to do the same. We will obey all laws, treat others with dignity, and ensure equal employment opportunity. CareBridge Academy will be a good neighbor to the Philadelphia community we serve.


Performance We set high expectations. CareBridge Academy encourages ambitious goals for our students, and work diligently to meet our commitments. We aim to be the best in all we do.